5 Care tips for darkening lips

A common problem faced by people throughout the world is that of darkening lips. Besides, who wouldn’t wish for soft, smooth, pink lips?Do you know the reason behind the discoloration and pigmentation?  A few of the usual reasons include lack of proper care or an unhealthy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at a few tips that you could pay heed to in your day to day life to avoid further discoloration and bring your lip color back to its normal self.

1. Drink less coffee: Consuming huge amounts of tea and coffee have more effects than just staining your teeth. They have been proved to be responsible for darkening your lips as well. Hence, it is advised that you limit your tea/ coffee intake so as to limit your lips for darkening further.

2. Reduce sun exposure: Just like your skin, exposing your lips too much in the sun is bound to cause it to discolor. Exposing it to the sun causes the darkening due to an increased amount of melanin pigment being produced in the lips. Use a protective balm as and when you know you’re going to be exposed to the harmful sun’s rays for untold hours.

3. Check your lipsticks: Using cheap quality products can cause lip pigmentation automatically darkening the lips. Avoid applying lipsticks too often. Limit the application only to the times you actually need to apply it. Also, make sure to always check the expiry date of the cosmetics before using them.

4. Hydration is a must: Just as your skin needs to be hydrated at all times, so do your lips. Keep them moisturized by using petroleum based lip balm and maintain hydration by drinking ample amounts of water. You can also eat fruits that contain high water content.

5. Avoid sucking your lips: If you’re in the habit, quit it now! Expert Dermatology doctors recommend breaking the habit at the earliest. Doing so leads to darkening and gradually damaging the lips. In addition, avoid the bad habit of biting the lips as well.

If you wish to have soft, succulent lips… take good care of them. Pay attention to the signs your lips give you and opt for the required treatment. If the treatment you’ve tried isn’t paying off and giving you the required results, worry not… just visit a dermatology doctor to get the solution to your problem. You could also book a dermatologist’s appointment online by logging on to the India dermatologists’ directory right away! No more hassle for booking appointment.

Source- http://www.medecure.com/blog/5-care-tips-for-darkening-lips/